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Seven Clever Ways You Can Decorate Your Window Sill

Shropshire Brick and Stone UK

Updated: Dec 17, 2024

Your window sill can be transformed from a small, unassuming household area to a space of creativity, homeliness and style. Read on to discover some clever ways to decorate your window sill.

Window lintels and sills

Create a space to read

If the ledges of your window sill are wide enough to hold a book, you’ve got the ideal place to create a small, adorable reading nook. Add pillows for comfort and ease, and maybe even light for some evening skimming. This is a creative way to dress up a larger window and is the perfect solution for all the keen bookworms out there.

Design a window sill garden

Showcase your green thumb with beautiful, small plants in different types of canisters. Tea cans, glass jars and bottles, or even some old-fashioned pots - there are so many possibilities. Add pretty, delicate, bright flowers or even some kitchen herbs to create an organic, natural beauty spot for your home.

Add a seating area

If you have the room, make your window a place to take a load off and have a seat. Add a bench or add a pillow (if your ledge is big enough) to make the most of the natural light and view.

Incorporate holiday decor

Over the years, it can be very easy to accumulate more holiday decor than you have space to display. Start using your window sills to place additional holiday decor like a mini-Christmas tree, a nativity scene, or maybe even decorative gifts.

Extend your window sill into a workspace

Do you wish that you had space for a desk but your apartment is just too small? Keep this desk space looking nice by adding a decorative pen cup, a few books, and maybe even a paperweight. This way your window will look beautifully decorated while also becoming a usable space for you to work on your next project.

Create a family photo gallery

This next décor idea is for those who have been struggling to find wall space for all your framed photographs. Have you thought about using your window sill instead? The window is the perfect place to arrange a few different framed photographs of varying sizes. And you can always add more later on as your photo collection grows.

Invest in a bespoke window sill

Transform your property with our handcrafted stone window sills, available in a range of standard and unique sizes and specifications. At Shropshire Brick & Stone (UK) Ltd, we pride ourselves on creating classically beautiful stone sills that stand the test of time, with your design ideas and specifications at the heart of every project. From window heads to pier caps, we stock a variety of bespoke cast stone, so get in touch today for a quote.


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